For Rightholders of the content |
Views: 6,524 | Date: December 22, 2018 | Category: Download Required for Windows
If you own the exclusive rights to any material contained on this site and do not want this information to be distributed without your consent, we will gladly assist you and remove the relevant links from the site.
To do this, you need to send the letter in email with the following information:
- A document that indicates that you have exclusive material rights posted on the site: it may be a scanned signet copy of the seal or contact information that allows you to identify you as the owner of the exclusive rights to the relevant materials;
- The text that you would like to place in explaining to users the fact of deleting information from the site. It may contain information about where and in what conditions it is possible to obtain materials linking to which have been removed from the site;
- Direct references to the pages of the resource, the information from which to be removed. Links should of this type // or similar to them;
You will receive a response within a few hours or no later than 3 working days after sending the letter.
Warning! If you did not receive a response within 72 hours of sending the letter, it means that we did not receive your email. We are sure to respond the message!
Letters send to this email box: [email protected]